Endorsement from Pastor Kirby Tabb
Evangelist Paul Iannello presented his messages on the family to us at Open Door Baptist Church back in October of 2024.
Bro. Paul took the precepts, revealed from God’s written words, and arranged them into valuable lessons, aimed at husbands, wives, children, and even grandparents and in-laws. These lessons were presented in a clear and understandable style.
I, as a pastor, was relieved to hear how these truths were delivered without the predictable platitudes that often accompany such a topic. Bro. Paul was able to expound on the family dynamic, from a standpoint of his own personal experience and scripture knowledge. This was done while incorporating the value of humor, and avoiding the annoyances of virtue-signaling & Pharisaism.
I greatly appreciate Bro. Paul’s burden for the Christian home, and his commitment to providing valuable instruction to God’s people.
Pastor Kirby Tabb
Open Door Baptist Church
Brighton, TN