Reference from Pastor Greg Rhinehart

Dear Pastor,

This letter is to recommend Brother Paul Iannello. I have personally known Brother Paul for 15 years. I have been to his church and seen the fruit of his labors. I have seen his walk with God through the “good times” and through some very “hard times.” We have had many conversations face to face and over the phone concerning: the Lord, the ministry, the Bible, the work of God, etc. It has always been a joy to me to fellowship with Bro. Paul. He has preached for us many times through the years and has always been a blessing and an encouragement.

As a Pastor I am very careful about who I allow to preach to the flock here at BBBC. I  know that when some men get behind a pulpit they have a spiritual “hobby horse” that they like to ride, or an “axe that they want to grind.” This has never been the case with Bro. Paul.   He has always been a help to us!! 

Bro. Paul was a Pastor for over 20 years and knows from experience what a Pastor and a Church goes through and what the needs are. As an evangelist he will certainly be able to “minister” in the churches!

In Christ,
Greg Rhinehart
Bible Believers Baptist Church
Panama City, FL