Reference from Pastor Adrian Dominguez


This letter is being written as a reference for the man I have known for nearly 20 years as “Pastor Paul Iannello”.  While he has now transitioned into the field of evangelism, I will refer to him throughout this letter as “Pastor Paul”, because that is who he was and still is to me, a pastor, mentor, and friend. I met Pastor Paul in 2002 when I was a missionary on deputation to the country of Bolivia. Pastor Paul had been pastoring New Beginnings Baptist Church for about 6 years at that point, and with another missionary not being able to make it to their missions’ conference, my wife and I drove up from Pensacola, and the rest is history. We not only were supported by Pastor Paul and NBBC, but this began a lifelong friendship that has lasted until this day. 

In 2004, when we left the field of Bolivia due to my wife being ill, Pastor Paul and his church took me and my wife in when we really had no idea where to go or what to do. Under Pastor Paul’s ministry, I was blessed to be able to put to work what I had learned at Bible school and lead music, assist with evangelism, teach in our church’s Bible institute there, and from Pastor Paul, I learned the value of consistency, loyalty, faithfulness, sound Bible preaching, and the importance of not just being a “preacher”, but a man who loves his people and his ministry….a man with the heart of a pastor. This helped get me back on my feet spiritually after having to leave the mission field, and it propelled me to plant New Heights Baptist Church in Aurora, CO, in 2010,with his help and leadership, and this church still is “on the grow” 9 years later. There is fruit that remains due to his input in my life and I am eternally grateful.

I watched this man go through unspeakable hardships over the years, including the death of his wife, and through it all, he has decided to continue to follow Jesus! I appreciate his mentorship, his faithfulness to the Lord, and his example, and I am beyond confident, that as a former pastor for 20+ years, and with his gracious, entertaining, and BIBLICAL approach to the ministry of the word, he will be a HELP to you and your church, if you are able to have him come and minister to your church. IN addition to his pastoral ministry, he helped author a curriculum to help troubled youth understand salvation, discipleship and family principles… as such, there are so many areas of ministry in which he has been involved, has had to educate others, etc., that I am sure he can be a help in more areas than one. 

He has been a great aid to me, my church, and my family, and I look forward to hearing how he can be that for you and yours as well. If you have further questions or would like to further learn about this man and ministry, please feel free to reach out. 

God Bless,
Pastor Adrian Dominguez