Endorsement from Pastor Hector Sotomayor

Bro. Paul:

I am truly grateful for your commitment to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I also want to thank you for giving your time and Biblical teachings during our 2024 Family Conference at Calvary Bible Baptist Church. I was truly blessed by what the Lord delivered to our church through you. Our church family was truly blessed, ranging from new believers to the ones with over 40 years being saved. The insight the Lord has given you regarding the roles of the man and woman within the family and as individuals was truly refreshing. I have people still talking about the “well” and how they are grateful to God for their local well. Our men felt challenged to be what God would have them to be according to scriptures and that alone. Our ladies felt great knowing that they need be what God intended them to be, daughters, sisters, mothers and not try to fit the worldly standard. It is scary to think that people in good, God fearing churches, need to be reminded of such things, but I am grateful for your willingness to come aside pastors to do just that. I have already been asked if we are having you come back next year for another family conference. I hope you don’t mind but I already said YES, well that’s my intent. Obviously depending on your schedule. I would strongly recommend to any and all pastors to have you come over and present this solid, biblically grounded material to their churches. It’ll challenge them (Pastors) and their people. More importantly, it will instruct them on how to fill the role God gave them, as He intended. In doing so they’ll get closer to the King. Lord bless you continually and until next time.

Your brother in Christ:

Pastor Hector Sotomayor Sr.
Calvary Bible Baptist Church
Rochester, NY