Paul Iannello’s “Pressing On Ministries” 2023 Prayer Letter

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
2023 has proven to me that I am exactly where the Lord wants me. After 22 years of pastoring New Beginnings Baptist Church in White House, Tennessee, the Lord has placed me in a position where I get to share all of what I have learned, mostly from my mistakes, with others.
Many pastors have had questions, struggles, and have needed just a little help keeping their arms up. The messages have been graciously received, and my wife’s beautiful singing complimented them perfectly. The altars have been packed with brethren making decisions for the Lord. With only 3 meetings left out of the 35 total for this year, the Lord has kept us going from New York to California, and everywhere in between.
In the middle of the year my doctor informed me that I had some heart blockage issues that needed to be addressed. While I knew I needed to deal with my physical problems, I also knew that I did not want to cancel the 2nd half of my evangelism meetings. So, after much prayer and discussion with others, I had some tests done while in Colorado, and received the go ahead to continue preaching if I continued my tests when I got back to Tennessee in October.
I then decided to drive our RV back home to Nashville at the end of August, and after only one day home, I then flew out September 1st for San Diego to complete my Out-West tour through California, Nevada, and Arizona.
We are extremely thankful that all the churches out West have asked us to return next year. They even referred us to a few new churches that decided to have us in as well.
In October we get to spend some time camping, and preaching, with our dear friends, the Rhineharts.
In November, we will be attending our son’s, and his wife’s, graduation from TBDI in Jacksonville, Florida at the KJB Jubilee.
From there, I complete my year with two back-to- back four-day revivals in Virginia.
Then the Lord has gifted us a reprieve through the holidays.
We are greatly looking forward to some uninterrupted time with friends and family. I am blessed to have many meetings already scheduled for 2024. I would like to thank all the churches, and their pastors, that were so gracious and generous to us during our visits to their churches. As my ministry says, please pray for us that we will continue “Pressing on” to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. May God bless all of you!
Pressing on Ministries,
Paul Iannello Sr.